November 12, 2010

Holiday Season

With the Holiday Season approaching I really get to explorer and see nice smiles in people's families especially mine. I adore the whole family gathering and celebrating such an meaningful moment in the year with the people who are closest to you.  Christmas in my country is such a big celebration that starts on December 7th and 8th (depending on the city) with The Day of the Little Candles and it ends on January 6th where the Three Kings come.

Colombia in the holidays is something exceptional. Not only you get together with family, but with close friends and neighbors.

I used to live in an apartment building in the coast of Colombia where the weather is hot all year long,but in December there is a magnificent breeze that come from the sea and makes the festivities even more joyful. I am from Barranquilla Colombia a very happy, city whose people love to party day and night.

 The Day of the Little Candles On this day, people place candles and paper lanterns on their windows, balconies, porches, sidewalks, streets, parks, everywhere they can be seen, in honor of the Virgin Mary and her Immaculate Conception. In many cities The Day of the Little Candles is celebrated the 7th of December at night. In the Caribbean Region of Colombia like Barranquilla, the lighting of candles and lanterns takes place on the early hours of December 8, before sunrise, instead of the night before. Families and friends meet to celebrate the day, along with lighting the candles, there is so much food and drinks. This is a day that brings extended families groups together to talk during the evening.

So if you are thinking of traveling somewhere exciting where there is party almost everyday check out Colombia there is just so much to see and experience in this Holiday Season. I wish I was able to celebrate it with my mom. Now I just have to try to bring that little piece of Colombia to my house so my kids and husband understand where I am coming from.


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